Sunday, November 28, 2004

Look To Create

Engineering is all about improvement, and so it is a science of comparatives. Larger engineered systems will be promoted for their comprehensive and competitive edge.

If everything is new, improved versions of the older technology, why do so many products fail, proposals languish and systems crash?

Re-engineering. That’s the new buzz word. The new breed of engineers are actually re-engineers.

Success gives us confidence that we are doing something right, but they do not necessarily tell us what or why.

Failures on the other hand, provide incontrovertible proof that we have done something wrong. That is invaluable information.

Re-engineering, whether a product or a business process - on successful models should give designers an advantage: They can pick and choose the best features of effective system designs. Unfortunately , what makes things work is often hard to express and harder to extract from the design as a whole.

Things work because they work in a particular configuration, at a particular scale and in a particular culture. Trying to reverse engineer and cannibalize a successful system sacrifices the synergy of its success.

Let us, the new breed of engineers stop this circle of re-engineering and become engineers. Let’s create. Let history read our names as creators.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Procrastinators are Perfectionists

There is an evil in all of us to find reasons not to do even the easiest of tasks.

I have been studying many procrastinators and their ways. I have come to a strange conclusion: Procrastinators are Perfectionists!

The procrastinators are the most creative minds. The true time abusers possess a skill to creative reasons and situations to avoid completing the actual work at hand.

They are selectively confident, often highly skilled, Pre-occupied and trapped in unrealistic goals.

Unlike procrastinators, the well known Perfectionists have their tasks well cut out, and they complete it perfectly to the requirement or even exceeding expectations with some creative improvements. But when you take a closer look , we find the path to perfection of the much acclaimed perfectionist is not a perfect one. The perfectionist in his quest for a perfect finish often makes compromises and works with and around the many imperfect situations.

The procrastinator is more or less an extreme perfectionist. He will deliver the same perfect result or even exceed expectation provided the ideal situation to the task. They refuse to let go of their perfectionist outlook in time of crisis. They believe the road to perfection must be perfect.

Procrastinators start with giving genuine reasons for their delays. Often reasons are taken as just reasons and nothing is done about them to improve the situation. The procrastinators then choose the next perfect path, the easiest path or the path of least resistance. The path of total negligence.

The best way to beat Procrastinators is to lower their high expectations and bring them closer to the real and imperfect ways of the world. Time abuse is a serious problem. And Procrastinators hold the key to eradicating this malice.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

The journey to self mastery

The journey is never ending. The journey to self mastery.

I have seen men and women fall on their tracks to this over rated achievement. Often failing to see the treasures in hand they search and journey far and wide, in mind and in this world. The journey to self mastery.

Men and women hope to become righteous though their journey. The intend is righteous, the path is righteous, the deeds are righteous, sad but true, the outcome is questionable. The journey to self mastery.

The term 'mastery' by itself is ambigious. Throughout my journey I have heard and quoted many differnet definitions to mastery.Sometimes even contradictory. Some take the path to mastery through acqusitions- often knowledge, money or power. And the new age thinkers emulating their counterparts from the much forgotten history try and reach mastery through disposition.Then ofcourse the ever growing popular breed of middle minded visionaries, then claim to have regulated the starnge balance of acquistion and disposition in their journey. The journey to self mastery.

For what is may be worth. My words to wisdom: Your Journey is Your Journey, Your Destiny is Your Destiny. Dont mesh them.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Why Do We Write?

Think of yourself as the inspired scribbler. Scribbling your thoughts in prose and poetry.

What dictates ones work as being novice and others being professional and literary masterpiece? I too write with hope. Hope to bring a smile. Hope to bring a positive change.

The treasures that are stored in paper, only an arms reach away. Its hidden secrets, hidden codes and truth tossed to and fro in search of a story that will teach, will learn , will spread and will grow with you as the days go and nights end.

Many out there hate to read others views. We feel reading would cause us to lose our individual outlook. At the same time we always have this urge to write. Write for those out there who think like us. For those misinformed who hate to read what others write.

Here lies our dilemma, the ones we write for dont want to read what we write for or what we stand for.

So why do we write? So why do we read?

Its like asking why do we think? or Why do we dream?

Its to complete the circle of our knowledge. We think, We read, We dream, We write, We think.

We are doing our thing to design a better world. With our Thoughts, With our Words.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Indulge Yourself !

Its the Holiday season. Festivals and cherished traditions , beautiful music, bright lights and love all around. what a beautiful time of the year.

Most often the intended peace and joy of this season are compramised by the riddling equation of daily living. Money matters increase tension, frantic rush to stay on the target dates, beauty fights with your loved ones , all this self imposed intricacies only create and add to the existing anxieties.

If you are too busy to be kind to yourself You are doing a dis-service to yourself, your family and everyone around you.

Gift Yourself! Indulge Yourself! Love Yourself!

Isn't indulgence harmful? Dont self-indulgent peopl neglect important responsibilities? Werent we taught that being selfish is wrong?

Be Selfish ! Love yourself ! The more you love yourself, the more you will love the people around you.This will make you become a positive role model for others. By trully enjoying your own company, people will soon begin to enjoy your company.

There is some wisdom somewhere within all this self indulgence. If you dont ensure your own happiness first, you endanger the happiness of the people around you.