Thursday, November 11, 2004

The journey to self mastery

The journey is never ending. The journey to self mastery.

I have seen men and women fall on their tracks to this over rated achievement. Often failing to see the treasures in hand they search and journey far and wide, in mind and in this world. The journey to self mastery.

Men and women hope to become righteous though their journey. The intend is righteous, the path is righteous, the deeds are righteous, sad but true, the outcome is questionable. The journey to self mastery.

The term 'mastery' by itself is ambigious. Throughout my journey I have heard and quoted many differnet definitions to mastery.Sometimes even contradictory. Some take the path to mastery through acqusitions- often knowledge, money or power. And the new age thinkers emulating their counterparts from the much forgotten history try and reach mastery through disposition.Then ofcourse the ever growing popular breed of middle minded visionaries, then claim to have regulated the starnge balance of acquistion and disposition in their journey. The journey to self mastery.

For what is may be worth. My words to wisdom: Your Journey is Your Journey, Your Destiny is Your Destiny. Dont mesh them.


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