Why Do We Write?
Think of yourself as the inspired scribbler. Scribbling your thoughts in prose and poetry.
What dictates ones work as being novice and others being professional and literary masterpiece? I too write with hope. Hope to bring a smile. Hope to bring a positive change.
The treasures that are stored in paper, only an arms reach away. Its hidden secrets, hidden codes and truth tossed to and fro in search of a story that will teach, will learn , will spread and will grow with you as the days go and nights end.
Many out there hate to read others views. We feel reading would cause us to lose our individual outlook. At the same time we always have this urge to write. Write for those out there who think like us. For those misinformed who hate to read what others write.
Here lies our dilemma, the ones we write for dont want to read what we write for or what we stand for.
So why do we write? So why do we read?
Its like asking why do we think? or Why do we dream?
Its to complete the circle of our knowledge. We think, We read, We dream, We write, We think.
We are doing our thing to design a better world. With our Thoughts, With our Words.
For me, it's all about the race to the bottom.
i write to feel alive. Those few words, the thoughts are all mine.
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