Thursday, November 18, 2004

Procrastinators are Perfectionists

There is an evil in all of us to find reasons not to do even the easiest of tasks.

I have been studying many procrastinators and their ways. I have come to a strange conclusion: Procrastinators are Perfectionists!

The procrastinators are the most creative minds. The true time abusers possess a skill to creative reasons and situations to avoid completing the actual work at hand.

They are selectively confident, often highly skilled, Pre-occupied and trapped in unrealistic goals.

Unlike procrastinators, the well known Perfectionists have their tasks well cut out, and they complete it perfectly to the requirement or even exceeding expectations with some creative improvements. But when you take a closer look , we find the path to perfection of the much acclaimed perfectionist is not a perfect one. The perfectionist in his quest for a perfect finish often makes compromises and works with and around the many imperfect situations.

The procrastinator is more or less an extreme perfectionist. He will deliver the same perfect result or even exceed expectation provided the ideal situation to the task. They refuse to let go of their perfectionist outlook in time of crisis. They believe the road to perfection must be perfect.

Procrastinators start with giving genuine reasons for their delays. Often reasons are taken as just reasons and nothing is done about them to improve the situation. The procrastinators then choose the next perfect path, the easiest path or the path of least resistance. The path of total negligence.

The best way to beat Procrastinators is to lower their high expectations and bring them closer to the real and imperfect ways of the world. Time abuse is a serious problem. And Procrastinators hold the key to eradicating this malice.


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